Monday, August 12, 2013

It's a crazy life!

As promised, I am posting today! I'm sorry it's so late.. My computer broke earlier this evening right after I had finished typing all this up. I didn't get a chance to post it then though, so I am now doing so from my parents computer. I am also sorry that it's been so long since my last post.  Things have been crazy since getting home.  When I first got here a month ago I had two jobs (as well as continuing some of my volunteer work from Thailand) and that was taking almost all of my time.  I was working 7 days a week with little time to rest.  I realized that it was just to much, so I quit my second job and am now just working for my dad at the youth camp. (Which is still pretty much 7 days a week.)

When I left thailand, my plan was to continue working for Emmi at Lighthouse in Action, keep doing communication work for the iDTS as well as Home of Joy, along with possibly continuing my administrative work at Create International.  Well that was just my plan, and it has become quite clear that my plans are not always the same as God's plans...

About 5 days ago I messaged Emmi at Lighthouse and asked how everything was going there.  She responded by telling me that she had left YWAM.  What a shock!!  I had no idea that was going to happen.  But at the same time, I started that maybe it was a green light from God to go ahead and try something new.
The past few months Israel has been heavy on my heart.  And as the weeks pass I keep thinking about it more and more.  So I messaged a base there and asked if they might possibly need any administrative help.  That was about a week ago now, and still no response.
Another option that I just recently heard about is a couple who are starting a BAM (Business As Mission) in Chiang Mai working in the Red Light District, which is what I am really wanting to be working with.
Before I got the news about Emmi leaving YWAM I was hoping to work with her and see how she runs her business.  All the ins and outs of it, while taking online business courses.  Then, I was hoping to start my own business (possibly partnering with on already established.)
So, today I went to Centralia College to finish my financial aid forms and take the Compass Test.  Much to my surprise, I got almost perfect and perfect scores on my reading and writing tests!  Not as surprisingly, I didn't do as great in math... (Not only did I get my dad's looks, I unfortunately inherited his math skills and not my mom's..  Thanks Pops.)  But still good enough to enroll in the online business AA course.

So, basically, I am torn about what to do.  I could really use prayer as I am trying to hear and follow God while making this decision.  I am hoping to have everything figured out before I leave for Florida at the end of this month, so that when I get back I can get everything moving in the right direction.  But that is just my plan, not necessarily God's.. However, I am hoping that this time they are the same.  :)

Blessings to you all!