Monday, July 18, 2011


Heyy all. Just wanted to share a quick update with you guys. I am now about halfway to meeting my funding needs. That is a huge leap from where I was just a few weeks ago. Thank you guys so much for your generous gifts and also for your prayers. I really appreciate them! All that is left in preparing for my trip is getting my travel visa, the last of my funds, and just a few little things that I will need on my trip. Please continue to pray for me, I need all the prayers I can get! Thanks.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Hi, my name is Sara Petersohn (or Annie, depending on what you prefer.)  I have just graduated from high school and am about to embark on the scariest, yet most exciting adventures of my life thus far.  On September 1st, 50 days from today if I am counting right, I leave for a five month trip to Thailand.  I will be doing a DTS with YWAM while I am there. A DTS ( Discipleship Training School) is three months of schooling and preparing for the last two months, in which I will be helping and ministering to children in Chiang Mai.

I have always had a desire to help people and "save the world", so to speak. Last August at my church's youth camp I became a christian and the desire to help people just got more intense.  So I knew that I wanted to help people, I just didn't know how yet.  Then one Sunday a family visited my church and spoke about YWAM and DTSs and I felt God leading me to do one.  So I applied to the Chiang Mai base in Thailand and the next thing I know, here I am.  50 days and $3,000 dollars away from takeoff.

I could really use all the prayer support I could get. Not just about getting my funds all in but also for peace. This is pretty scary thing for me and as it gets closer the more worried I become.