Thursday, December 1, 2011


China was so amazing! I actually really don't like it there, but just the fact that I was able to go and everything that I was able to do and the amount that I grew while I was there is just incredible to me. I think God showed me that China is not where I'm supposed to be, but also that me not belonging there long-term doesn't mean that He can't use me there short-term. At first I had a really bad attitude about being there and just wanted to go back to Chiang Mai, but as things began to happen I was able to put my negative attitude aside and just watch God work through all of us. It totally changed my attitude. And me.
The first night there we had soup for dinner. Not a good start to any trip in my opinion. Then on top of that I got into a little bit of an argument with the leader when we got back to the apartment. Those two things happening on the first night was a sure sign to me that me being there was a huge mistake and that this entire trip was going to be a huge failure.. I might have a little bit of a negative attitude sometimes.
I was so wrong. China was one of the greatest experiences of this whole trip so far. After a few days I was able to see that my negative attitude towards everything was not just making myself miserable, but it was also affecting my work there. I never wanted to go to the English Corner (it was always at night so it was very cold and it was also a 30min walk from the apartment.) and I hated having to get up early when I had to go teach at the University. But after I realized what I was doing I was able to put it all aside and just put my whole self into my work, and it turned out so much better! It started to get easier to talk to people at the EC and I was able to make a few good friends, and even the walk there became enjoyable! Dodging cars at the intersections with P"Bow is so much more fun when you have a positive attitude. I even started to look forward to getting up early, which is very good because the second week I had to get up at six every morning to go teach at the Christian kindergarten. In the class I was in it was just P'Bow and I, with the teacher that doesn't speak English and the kids who don't either. It was difficult at first, but then it just became fun. Then after that we would go have lunch then go straight to the orphanage to teach classes and just hang out with the kids. Then we would go have dinner then go right to the English Corner at the University and talk to students and make friends. The EC was probably my favorite part of the trip. I was able to learn a lot about Chinese culture and life, and make some really good friends at the same time, which I am able to still keep in touch with.
I learned so much and really matured on this trip. I feel like a completely different person then when I left Chiang Mai. And I really learned again the importance of prayer and spiritual warfare. I also realized that praying isn't just something that we should do or have to do. It is something that you can really enjoy and that you can do all the time, no matter where you are or who you are with. And when you pray, things happen! It may not be exactly what you want or expected, but there will always be results and God can do amazing things in response. It has been such an awesome experience these last few weeks.
I love you all and miss you! Please feel free to message me on facebook or email me! I love hearing from you guys.

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