Wednesday, June 5, 2013

One month!

Sorry that it's been so long since my most recent update!

I'm not even sure if I can remember everything that has happened recently, but I will try!!

So my mom bought my plane ticket home!! I leave July 4th just before midnight (Chiang Mai time) and I will land in Seattle July 5th sometime around 1PM. (Seattle time)

Since booking the ticket I have moved back to Chiang Mai. Bruce and his family left for a summer in the states so I am looking after their house for them until I leave.
BUT! When I return to CM in September I am going to be looking for an apartment. If you could pray for that (finding one quickly, finances) that would be awesome and much appreciated!

I have also gotten a new job! Emmi, a local Thai missions worker, has really been needing some admin/communications help. She found out that I have been looking for more stuff to do so she messaged me and I started working for her that day!
So another prayer request would be that I am able to really help and bless her. She just shut down her old cafe (Wongen) and started a new cafe called Zion. She works with women in the red-light district of CM, trying to get them out and to stay out. She also gives them job training and Bible training. She also works with/organizes/and houses many short-term missions groups that come to CM.
Please also be praying for her.. She has a lot going on!

And today I will go talk with someone at Create, a local organization/dts school in CM about doing the same thing for them. I am hoping it works out, but if it does that means I will be working 5 days a week all on a volunteer status.

That is a lot of time and also a lot of money for transportation.
I am really going to be needing your prayers this next month!
But I am really looking forward to seeing you guys when I am home for a visit :)

Thank you for your faithfulness in supporting me financially and prayerfully. (I didn't know prayerfully was a word.. But apparently it is!)

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